Name: Poké Ball
Interesting Facts: A Poké Ball is a type of item critical in any Trainer's quest. It is used for capturing and storing wild Pokémon. There are four different basic levels of Poké Ball, and over a dozen variations on the Poké Ball design throughout the games. A Poké Ball's strength is determined by how much it raises a wild Pokémon's catch-rate. Many Poké Balls' strengths change based on certain conditions. Poké Ball may also limits the strength of the Pokémon inside it.

Height: 10.0 cm/3.9 in
Width: 9.7 cm/ 3.8 in
Depth: 9.8 cm/3.8 in
No. of Pages: 3-4 (depending on which model)
No. of Pieces: 39-73 (depending on which model)
Level: Medium-Hard
Designer: THI
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: Download pack includes: Poké Ball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Master Ball, Safari Ball - Kanto, Safari Ball - Sinnoh, Moon Ball, Luxury Ball, Premier Ball, Net Ball, Nest Ball, Premier Ball, Crystal Ball (as seen in Pokémon 3), and just for fun a jumbo sized 30cm Poké Ball ... Have fun!
Please be warned, these models are NOT for the faint-hearted at all. Despite the simplicity of the patterns, these Poké Balls can be very difficult and frustrating to close properly - as is the case with any papercraft sphere.
The new templates do have more pieces than the original unfold, but they are laid out in a constructional order, and may provide readers with a slightly easier build. Of course, you can still choose to use THI's original Poké Balls, which are also included in the download packs.
Also, the button is heavier than any other part, so before you close up, secure a penny/weight onto the center-spot of the bottom half of the Pokéball. And we recommend that you always refer to the .PDO whilst building.
Download: A4 / Letter
I think the download is faulty, winzip says it's an "unrecoverable Zip file read error". Doesn't sound good.
Me too. I download but I can't extract it. Please fix it as soon as you can. Thank a lot
Um ... yeah, I'm having considerable difficulty with the uploads - for some reason, and only with these particular files, it corrupts in the FTP.
I can't explain it!
I apologize, and will try to fix it up asap. Please be patient.
The download has been fixed. Kindly give feedback if anyone is still experiencing problems. But it should be okay now.
Now I can open it in winzip, but none of the files open properly, the pdo's say that pepakura has stopped working as soon as I open them. It may just be me but I'm not sure.
Thank you for fixing the problem, but I don't see the download.
I know you say it's fixed but.. where is the download link?
It should be okay now, really. XD
It's working .Thank you.
Well done.
good job, and don't listen to those guys over at /po/ this is a good craft ^^
how do u download it correctly? after that i cant open the files to get the craft O.O plz help me
You need 2 programs to view the files:
1. an Zip file extractor, eg:
2. Pepakura Viewer:
Nice Job, This Is Great! THX XD
Great project! But where is the GS ball?
um, i dont know if its just me or what, but where are the .PDF files in the download pack??or can i print these without .PDF files??
No, there are no PDFs in this download pack. You can print from the PDO directly:
Wow, these are AWESOME! I'm just wondering though, do you ever plan on bringing the other 16 pokeballs in? I was kind of bummed when I found the dusk ball wasn't there...
to close it, try a hot glue gun
Beautifull, can you make the DarkBall? that this in Pokemon 4ever?
Sadly, we are not planning on making any more balls for the time being. Maybe later tho, but no promise.
when i go to great ball theres no english
Could u please make more balls these were amazing and i want to make more of them
WOW! another impressive model guys, keep up the good work! I'm working on the master ball and the dusk ball. Thanks again for these awesome models!!!!
mm sorry but wen i download this, is not a adobe archive D:
It's inside of the zip file.
Check the FAQ for more details.
I'm wondering...do these open like the pokeball box?
no, they dont open. they just look pretty.
could you please make a .pdf
Mine still isn't letting me open the file to print it. I've got all the programs you said but I'm still having the same problem as the others. Please could you fix it? PLEASE?
Just having the programs doesn't mean each is associated with opening each file. Right click on it-> go to Open With and select the right program that goes with each file.
There's nothing to fix, they work perfectly fine; I checked the files 2 days ago without any problems.
Hi there,
first of, great work, I can't wait to try it out myself - but I have a little problem: whenever I try to print it out, there are some nasty white grids on the print, but not on the pdf version... any ideas how to solve that problem?
thanks in advance!
says photo gallery cannot supper help i really need these types on pokeballs -.-
Photo gallery won't open the files, read the faq.
hey, i will come back to this later (I really wanna make a pokeball), but i've downloaded the .pdo opener and i have 7zip. i can open the main file but i can't open the .pdo files at all. and the .pdo files are the pokeballs themselves! I guess i'm quite the computer nerd... but this i just can't figure out. lets just say im not gonna go around downloading anymore programs because my parents have already paid to fix the computer... help? plz? >///.///<
PDO's won't work on my computer, could you convert them to pdf's please
hello I just find this pattern. And wow it's really cool.. I wanna build some!
But do you have line-less pattern? Or we can edit and delete the line from pdo? Thanks before :D
Could you make these into .pdf? I have a mac and it won't let me open them.
Sigh...can someone make the strips connected together?
The one problem I keep having is when I'm done with the top and bottom halfs they don't match, I know they're the same size with I start out but when I'm done gluing they are different sizes, the red or white part is always a different shape than the other..
The worst part is I took the advice to do it slowly gluing 2-3 flaps at a time and being patient. I did this and it took much longer and the shape was weird.(not the size)
I spent over 6 hours on 4 balls(reprinting the parts that are wrong) the only advice I can give is:
Find a way to put all the dome strips together.
Like gluing all the middle glue tabs together in a line so you don't mess up(one strip being slightly off changes shape and size of the domes.
Or glue the strips to the circle part first so they are all correct.
Seriously, there are ball paper crafts out there with only 2 pieces for the whole thing, they look like an octopus but they become a ball. Can some one do this for the domes?
I only have a Moon ball and and one pokeball, which I feel I can show off, mostly because I printed the first page on red construction paper to hide flaws.
I am using cardstock, and not feeling up to making more, especially for the idea I had of printing at 1/6 size to make the mini(storage mode) version of the pokeball.
Sorry for the negative comment this really is a nice paper craft but it's like pushing a bolder up a hill.
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